Paper Reading: Improving Distributional Similarity with Lessons Learned from Word Embeddings
Levy, O., Goldberg, Y., & Dagan, I. (2015). Improving distributional similarity with lessons learned from word embeddings. Transactions of the association for computational linguistics, 3, 211-225.
- Much of the performance gains of word embeddings are due to certain system design choices and hyperparameter optimizations, rather than the embedding algorithms themselves.
- Hyperparameter tuning significantly improves performance in every task
- $w\in V_w$: a collection of words
- $c\in V_c$: contexts of words
- $V_w$ and $V_c$: the word and context vocabularies
- $D$: the collection of observed word-context pairs
- D is commonly obtained by taking a corpus $w_1, w_2,…, w_n$ and defining the contexts of word $w_i$ as the words surrounding it in an $L$-sized window $w_{i-L},…,w_{i-1},w_{i+1},…,w_{i+L}$
- $#(w,c)$: the number of times the pair $(w,c)$ apprears in $D$
- $#(w) = \sum_{c’\in V_c}#(w,c’)$: the number of times $w$ occurred in $D$
- $#(c) = \sum_{w’\in V_w}#(w’,c)$: the number of times $c$ occures in $D$
- $d$: words and contexts are embedded in a space of $d$ dimensions
$\vec{w}, \vec{c}\in \mathbb{R}^d$: word vector of $w$ and $c$, sometimes refer to the vector $\vec{w}$ as rows in a $ V_W \times d$ matrix $W$, and to the vectors $\vec{c}$ as rows in a $ V_C \times d$ matrix $C$
Explicit Representations (PPMI Matrix)
PMI: a popular measure of the association between the word $w_i$ and the context $c_j$
\[\mathrm{PMI}(w,c) = \log\frac{\hat{P}(w,c)}{\hat{P}(w)\hat{P}(c)} = \log\frac{\#(w,c)\cdot |D|}{\#(w)\cdot \#(c)}\]if $#(w,c) = 0$, $\log 0\rightarrow -\infin$, so
\[\mathrm{PPMI}(w,c) = \max(\mathrm{PMI}(w,c), 0)\]Drawback: a rare context $c$ that co-occurred with a targe word $w$ even once, will often yield relatively high PMI score because $\hat{P}(c)$, which is in PMI’s denominator, is very small.
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Popularized in NLP via Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Working with dense low-dimensional vectors
- Improved computational efficiency
- Better generalization
Finds the optimal rank $d$ factorization with respect to $L_2$ loss
\[W^{\mathrm{SVD}} = U_d\cdot \Sigma_d \\ C^{\mathrm{SVD}} = V_d\]- $U$ and $V$ are orthonormal
- $\Sigma$ is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues in decreasing order
- $M_d = U_d\cdot \Sigma_d\cdot V_d^\top$
Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS)
Represent each word $w\in V_W$ and each context $c\in V_C$ as $d$-dimensional vectors $\vec{w}$ and $\vec{c}$., such that words that are “similar” to each other will have similar vector representations.
- Maximize a function of the product $\vec{w}\cdot\vec{c}$ for ($w$, $c$) pairs that occur in $D$
- Minimize a function of the product $\vec{w}\cdot\vec{c_N}$ for ($w$, $c$) pairs that not occur in $D$
SGNS as Implicit Matrix Factorization
SGNS’s corpus level objective achieves its optimal value when
\[\vec{w}\cdot\vec{c} = \mathrm{(w, c)}-\log k\]Hence, SGNS is implicitly factorizing a word-context matrix whose cell’s value are PMI, shifted by a global constant ($\log k$)
\[W\cdot C^\top = M^{PMI} - \log k\]Global Vectors (GloVe)
Present each word $w\in V_W$ and each context $c\in V_C$ as $d$-dimensional vectors $\vec{w}$ and $\vec{c}$ such that
\[\vec{w}\cdot\vec{c} + b_w + b_c = \log(\#(w, c)) \qquad \forall(w, c)\in D\]- $b_w$ and $b_c$(scalars) are word/context-specific biases
Objective: a factorization of the log-count matrix, shifted by the entire vocabularies’ bias terms
\[M^{\log(\#(w, c))}\approx W\cdot C^\top + \vec{b^w} + \vec{b^c}\]-
$\vec{b^w}$: $ V_W $ dimensional row vector -
$\vec{b^c}$: $ V_C $ dimensional column vector
Minimize a weighted least square loss, giving more weight to frequent $(w, c$ pairs.
Transferable Hyperparameters
Pre-processing Hyperparameters
Dynamic Context Window (dyn)
Approach | Window Size | Window Weight | Example |
Traditional Approaches | Constant | Un-weighted | for window size of 5, then a word five tokens apart from the target is treated the same as an adjacent word |
GloVe | harmonic function | a context word three tokens away will be counted as $\frac{1}{3}$ | |
word2vec | uniformly sampling the actual window size between 1 and $L$ for each token | weight = distance / window size | a size-5 window will weigh its contexts by $\frac{5}{5}, \frac{4}{5}, \frac{3}{5}, \frac{2}{5}, \frac{1}{5}$ |
Subsampling (sub)
Subsampling is a method of:
- diluting very frequent words
- akin to removing stop-words
Randomly removes words that are more frequent than some threshold $t$ with a probability of $p$, where $f$ marks the word’s corpus frequency.
\[p = 1 - \sqrt{\frac{t}{f}}\]We use $t=10^{-5}$ in our experiments.
- dirty subsampling: remove tokens before the corpus is processed into word-context pairs -clean subsampling: remove tokens after the corpus is processed into word-context pairs The performances of dirty and clean subsampling are comparable
Deleting Rare Words (del)
Word2vec removes these tokens from the corpus before creating context windows.
This variation narrows the distance between tokens
Small effect on performance $\rightarrow$ not investigate its effect in this paper
Association Metric Hyperparameters
Two variations of the PMI association metric:
Shifted PMI (neg)
\[\mathrm{SPPMI}(w, c) = \max(\mathrm{PMI}(w,c) - \log k, 0)\]$k$ acts as a prior on the probability of observing a positive example versus a negative example.
e.g. A higher $k$ means that negative examples are more probable
Context Distribution Smoothing (cds)
In word2vec, negative examples (contexts) are sampled according to a smoothed unigram distribution.
All context counts are raised to the power of $\alpha$
\[\mathrm{PMI}_\alpha(w, c) = \log\frac{\hat{P}(w, c)}{\hat{P}(w)\hat{P}_\alpha(c)} \\ \hat{P}\alpha(c) = \frac{\#(c)^\alpha}{\sum_c\#(c)^\alpha}\]Enlarging the probability of sampling a rare context, which in turn reduces the PMI of $(w, c)$ for any $w$ co-occurring with the rare context $c$.
This novel variant of PMI is very effective
Post-processing Hyperparameters
Addiing Context Vectors (w+c)
==To be continued…==